Main Street USA

Sole Proprietors


First Responders




Sole Proprietors: Mom & Pop

There are over 23 million sole proprietorships currently operating in the United States, making it by far the most popular form of business ownership. Most small businesses start as sole proprietorships and change to different legal structures as they grow. A sole proprietor is typically run by a handful of dedicated individuals, often risking their net worth to make payroll and keep their companies in business.


It is estimated that there are over 300,000 church and over 100 denominations in America. Of the entire population, some 200 million people profess to a Christian faith. Each of these churches and congregation are led by a senior pastor and often associate pastors and staff. Many times, to make budgets, these pastors take no salary and opt out of Social Security to help  meet their personal budgets.


There are about 1,800 orthodox rabbis in the U.S. while another 1,800 are rabbis serve Reform congregations. 1,175 belong to the Conservative movement, and 250 are members of Reconstructionist Judaism. Women are around 25% of non-orthodox rabbis in America.


In America’s public schools there are 3.2 million full-time-equivalent teachers, according to federal projections for the fall of 2020. Teachers are provided a competitive salary and benefits by their school systems and or a series of state sponsored pension/health care funds.

First Responders: Police

There are 17,985 police agencies in the United States which include City PoliceDepartments, County Sheriff’s Offices, State Police/Highway Patrol and Federal Law Enforcement Agencies. Law enforcement agencies are involved in providing first response to emergencies and other threats to public safety, the protection of certain public facilities and infrastructure, the maintenance of public order, the protection of public officials, and the operation of some detention facilities (usually at the local level).


First Responders: Fire

There are an estimated 29,705 fire departments in the United States, representing approximately 1,115,000 career and volunteer firefighters in the US in 2018 . Of these, 3,009 (10 percent) of departments are comprised solely of career firefighters and 19,122 (64 percent) of departments are comprised of all volunteer firefighters. Firefighters respond to fires, accidents and other incidents where there are risks to life and property.


First Responders: EMS (Emergency Medical Services)

It is estimated that there are 21,283 EMS agencies in the United States. Emergency medical services, also known as ambulance services or paramedic services, are emergency services which treat illnesses and injuries that require an urgent medical response, providing out-of-hospital treatment and transport to definitive care.

Military: Coast Guard

The U.S. Coast Guard has a unique job in the military, with a role in law enforcement and a role in war. Its 42,000 active duty members, as well as its 7500 reservists and 30,000 members of the auxiliary, are called guardians.

Military: Veterans

There are 18.2 million veterans in the United States, according to the most recent statistics from the US Census. More than nine million veterans are served each year by the Department of Veterans Affairs. Health care facilities are made up of 1,074 outpatient sites and 170 VA Medical Centers.